VeriQuB Consortium Meeting

Gothenburg, September 11-13, 2024 The partners of the EU-funded VeriQuB project convened in Gothenburg (Sweden) on September 11th to 13th 2024 for the first VeriQuB Consortium Meeting, celebrating one year since the project’s inception. This landmark event spanned three days, and was packed with productive discussions, networking opportunities, and scientific…

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Behind the scenes 6: Giulia Ferrini

📢 Behind the scenes #6 with Giulia Ferrini from the Chalmers University team! 🧢 Giulia, what is your role in the Veriqub project? In VeriQuB, I have the responsibility for two tasks: the first one is a proof of computational hardness for new bosonic architectures amenable to implementation with microwave…

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Behind the scenes 5: Alessandro Ferraro

📢 Behind the scenes #5 with Alessandro Ferraro from Università degli Studi di Milano team! 🧢 Alessandro, what is your role in the Veriqub project? I am the research coordinator for the Milan partner of Veriqub. Scientifically, my role involves overseeing the research activities related to one of the two…

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Behind the scenes 4: Zacharie Van Herstraeten

📢 Behind the scenes #4 with Zacharie Van Herstraeten from QAT – INRIA team! 🧢 Zacharie, what is your role in the project ? I recently joined the Inria QAT team (based at École normale supĂ©rieure) as a postdoc and I’m excited to take part in the Veriqub project! My…

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Behind the scenes 3: Eduardo Alberto Bardales

Hi, Eduardo, what is your role in the Veriqub project ? 💡I am currently on the first year of my PhD studies at the Continuous Variable Theory group of Chalmers University of Technology. My project consists of realizing proofs of hardness for a set of variations of Boson Sampling that…

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Pathfinder Challenge : Synergy with Heisingberg project

The Horizon EIC-funded HEISINGBERG project aims to bring their state-of-the-art spatial photonic spin simulator (an iterated cycle of all-optical processing through a spatial light modulator that couples 10,00010,000 spins) into the quantum regime by upgrading its coherent drive to squeezed light, making it fully programmable through vector-matrix multiplication schemes, use…

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Behind the scenes 2: Carlos Ernesto Lopetegui-González

Carlos Ernesto Lopetegui-González works at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (in Sorbonne UniversitĂ©) with Mattia Walschaers and Nicolas Treps and contributes to Veriqub with Ulysse Chabaud and QAT – INRIA – UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Milano and Chalmers University of Technology. What is your role in the Veriqub project, and what are you currently working on in the project? đź’ˇI am a first year PhD student in…

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Behind the scenes 1: Jack Davis

What is your role in the Veriqub project, and what are you currently working on in the project? I am a recently hired INRIA/QAT postdoc, hosted by the École Normale SupĂ©rieure (ENS-PSL) in Paris.  My current research focuses on characterizing the resourcefulness of various bosonic elements (i.e. states, transformations, measurements)…

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Veriqub Kick-Off Meeting

3-4 October 2023 in Paris, France The project’s kick-off meeting took place in Paris on 3-4 October 2023. The event was organised by Inria, French National Institute for Reserach & Innovation in Digital Science and Technology, coordinator of the European Project, and hosted by Sorbonne UniversitĂ©, partners of the project. After…

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Start of the project!

The Veriqub project has officially started! Read the launch article: Veriqub: a European project for ensuring the reliability of quantum systems

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