Behind the scenes 4: Zacharie Van Herstraeten

📢 Behind the scenes #4 with Zacharie Van Herstraeten from QAT – INRIA team!

🧢 Zacharie, what is your role in the project ?

I recently joined the Inria QAT team (based at École normale supérieure) as a postdoc and I’m excited to take part in the Veriqub project! My role in the project is to contribute with other researchers in identifying what types of entangled states are useful for bosonic quantum computing. More precisely, we aim at developing a resource theory for non-Gaussian entanglement from the perspective of quantum phase space. If we succeed in our task, our results should then be very useful for experimentalists, as they would guide them in choosing what states to produce in the lab!

👨‍🎓 What is your background ?

I studied physical engineering at the Université libre de Bruxelles and obtained a PhD in quantum information. The focus of my PhD was the study of quantum uncertainty in phase space using information-theoretical tools and majorization theory. After that, I spent two years as a postdoc at the University of Arizona where my work was oriented towards quantum communication. Since my PhD, I’ve kept a strong interest for quantum phase space, which hopefully will be useful in the Veriqub project!

💥 What are the aspects you’re most excited about Veriqub ?

I’m excited about the opportunity to tackle fundamental questions of quantum information and computation, while collaborating with experimentalists. I’m also looking forward to having the chance to visit the Chalmers University of Technology and the Università degli Studi di Milano.

đź“ť What is the one thing that you need in your daily work routine?

For me, a productive day has to start with a good night of sleep. I don’t know about entanglement, but sleep is definitely a necessary resource for my brain to operate. The daily piece of cheese from the ENS canteen probably also contributes to my productivity 🧀 🚀

🚶‍♂️Is there any activity that helps you release stress after a hard week at work?

The most effective way to clear my head is to take a long walk. I also enjoy grabbing a drink after work on Fridays 🍻, and exploring the many activities that Paris has to offer on weekends.

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