Author: Ulysse CHABAUD
Behind the scenes 3: Eduardo Alberto Bardales
Pathfinder Challenge : Synergy with Heisingberg project

The Horizon EIC-funded HEISINGBERG project aims to bring their state-of-the-art spatial photonic spin simulator (an iterated cycle of all-optical processing through a spatial light modulator that couples 10,00010,000 spins) into the quantum regime by upgrading its coherent drive to squeezed light, making it fully programmable through vector-matrix multiplication schemes, use…
Behind the scenes 2: Carlos Ernesto Lopetegui-González

Carlos Ernesto Lopetegui-González works at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (in Sorbonne UniversitĂ©) with Mattia Walschaers and Nicolas Treps and contributes to Veriqub with Ulysse Chabaud and QAT – INRIA – UniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano and Chalmers University of Technology. What is your role in the Veriqub project, and what are you currently working on in the project? đź’ˇI am a first year PhD student in…
Behind the scenes 1: Jack Davis

What is your role in the Veriqub project, and what are you currently working on in the project? I am a recently hired INRIA/QAT postdoc, hosted by the École Normale Supérieure (ENS-PSL) in Paris. My current research focuses on characterizing the resourcefulness of various bosonic elements (i.e. states, transformations, measurements)…
Veriqub Kick-Off Meeting

3-4 October 2023 in Paris, France The project’s kick-off meeting took place in Paris on 3-4 October 2023. The event was organised by Inria, French National Institute for Reserach & Innovation in Digital Science and Technology, coordinator of the European Project, and hosted by Sorbonne Université, partners of the project. After…